Männlichen to Grindelwald downhill in pictures

1 minute read

Took a half day off to enjoy the good weather and for my lady to test her new snowboard. We choose Männlichen from the list with our favorite ski areas around Bern. I took some pictures along the downhill, some of which I share below.

Slope number 3 takes you from Männlichen, all the way down to Grindewald

Start descent
Descent start on slope 3 Männlichen

Ladies first. In front you can see the “world-renowned” Eiger North face, as they let you know in the gondola

Old villa on the old village stret
Old friends: Silvia, Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau

Turn left, black slope. Uh, daredevil

schwarze piste

Boy that was exhausting, time for a short break

Sun bathing pause
Sun bathing

Batteries full loaded, back on the board

Full speed downhill

From middle station I was on my own, apparently heading left to Grindelwald

Grindelwald from Holenstein middle station
Grindelwald from Holenstein middle station

Thinking I was way ahead, I paused to admire the great North face of Eiger, again

Head to the next secular trees
Head to the next secular trees

Noticing I am behind, I was trying at least to pose for a good picture

Finally, I reached Grindelwald, almost

Almost in Grindelwald
Almost in Grindelwald

Actually, the new Terminal was the end station for me today

test alt
The new Grindelwald terminal
