Zweisimmen, Rinderberg - new entry on my ski areas around Bern list

1 minute read

Hoping to find a place less crowded in the weekend, unlike probably Männlichen, we took a change with Zweisimmen, Rinderberg. It turned out to be a perfect decision - no traffic jams, no queues on the gondola lift, lots os snow on the well-prepared ski pistes. Now it is definitely a new entry now in my list of ski areas around Bern :ski:.

Spot the cow to find the gondola lift terminal :mountain_cableway:. No big surprise there, cows and bears are everywhere in Bern

Gondola lift terminal
Gondola lift terminal

We stopped initially at the middle station, for the skiers of the day do a first downhill and for pedestrians to enjoy the sun

View on Zweisimmen from gondola middle station, Rinderberg Swiss Alpine Lodge
View on Zweisimmen from gondola middle station, Rinderberg Swiss Alpine Lodge

Soon after we went to the Rinderberg summit by gondola, where the first thing was to try starting an avalanche

schwarze piste
Rolling snowballs in the valley

As the snow ball rolling continues, I get a chance to admire the surrounding mountains. In the north you have good view on Zweisimmen

View from Rinderberg summit on Zweisimmen (north)
View from Rinderberg summit on Zweisimmen (north)

In the south-east you can see the valley leading to Lenk

View from Rinderberg summit on Simmen valley leading to Lenk
View from Rinderberg summit on Simmen valley leading to Lenk (south-east)

Gstaad is on the south-west side

View from Rinderberg on Gstaad (south-west)
View from Rinderberg on Gstaad (south-west)

Somebody was really pissed for misleading visitors think they are in Gstaad :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Some were just ceasing the opportunity to eat on the fallen T

Starting avalanches and sightseeing makes hungry

Lunch break
Lunch break

With our bellies full, time to play

Snowboard as sledge
Snowboard as sledge

Lucas was more eager to play in the snow, instead on the “big” playground

Rinderberg playground
Rinderberg playground

All the playing made him tired, and he took a pause to rest his knees

Bench pause
Bench pause

Time to head home now. For me was in the gondola for the first half

View on Zweisimmen from gondola
View on Zweisimmen from gondola

We rejoined at the middle station for a “Ski vs Sledge challenge”

Not standing a change, I decided to take some pictures along the way to tease the competition

Some picture

some picture
Some picture

Almost there in Zweisimmen

Close to Zweisimmen
Close to Zweisimmen


zweisimmen, end station

Can’t wait to come back in Zweisimmen in the summer, it should be around 300 km hiking trails of in the area.
