Round the Château de Vaumarcus

1 minute read

Just in the last second we decided to join the Frifamily yesterday in a short outdoors tour around the Château de Vaumarcus nearby Neuchatel, Switzerland, an hour away from Bern. Boy I am glad we did. It was another of those outings in the Jura Mountains, you really feel good and wanna write about…

We had to park just a bit above the Castle, which has its own parking place, but was full of cars, whose owners were attending a church service?!

Anyway, thus we got the chance to see the castle from a higher perspective:

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View on the Chateau de Vaumarcus from the parking place

This small village was really beautiful with lots of modern villas, but I am really fond of the old ones, like this one from the “Vieux Village” (old village) street:

Old villa on the old village stret
Older villa on the "old village" stret

After a five minute walk, we’ve reached the entry of the castle,

castle entry view on the castle

where you can’t help but notice the secular tree in the castle’s garden, which was unfortunately closed at this time

Secular tree in the castle garden
Secular tree in the castle garden

We were comforted by the superb view on the Lake Neuchatel and the Swiss Alps:

View on Lake Neuchatel and Swiss Alps
View on Lake Neuchatel and Swiss Alps

After having taken a last picture back, from the vineyard in front of the castle,

View on the castle from the vineyard below
View on the castle from the vineyard below

we head to the next secular trees

Head to the next secular trees
Head to the next secular trees

I just love these paths through the vineyards, especially when the grapes are done :P

Look how small is my little son besides the mighty sequoia tree:

Man vs sequoia
Man vs sequoia


Sequoia up view
Sequoia up view

Full of the wisdom acquired from the secular trees, we head now for the woods, to check the younger spirits of nature

Old roads through vineyards
Old roads through vineyards

Don’t forget to take some more pictures along the way

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Old roads through vineyards

Personally, I was only imaging how would be to drive a rally car around here - thank you Colin McRae…

At the end the wind forced us to take a shortcut through the woods, but in all was a really nice outing. I can’t wait to come back in autumn for the wine tasting, I mean grape tasting…
