Bringing grandma to the Oeschinen Lake for the first time

One of my favorite places in Switzerland, where I am always looking forward returning to is Oeschinen Lake. This is a lake in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, close to Kandersteg in the Oeschinen valley. You can hike your way from Kandersteg to the lake (around 1h) or take the cable car and then need an extra 20 min walk to the lake… The landscapes are everywhere just amazing, no wonder it is an UNESCO World Heritage. But I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves - click on a picture to start the gallery:

Get to Kandersteg by auto or train, the follow the signs for the to the lower station of the Oeschinensee cable car. You know when you'll get there... Once on the upper station you have a great view on Kandersteg and surrounding mountains After taking the initial pictures we are ready to go... You might wonder, why would you put a bench facing the other way?!... Well for one thing it is facing south, and for another you have spectacuar view everywhere... A couple of steps further the usual encounter in the Swiss Alps... You can find some big rocks to take selfies on... Step down and run to catch up - you'll be amazed by the first glimpse on the Oeschinensee... Time for lunch at the Sennhütte Restaurant- they have great home made sausages and the terrace view is spectacular... Slowly I start to think my kid gets the mountains... Grandma joins him for the view... On last glimpse before we start our descend towards the lake... 13 minutes later, we reach the other more crowded restaurant area... It's time to head back to the cable car station Mountains, mountains and more mountains... ... and cows - this is Switzerland
Take Grandmo to Oeschinensee #photostory

Check out the Oeschinensee website to get more information about cable car timetable, prices, restaurant and hiking possibilities.