Skating has become one of my favorite winter sports. But each time the season starts it’s a bit difficult in the beginning to remember the right moves. My approach to that is to watch a couple of videos on youtube to refresh my memory. This blog post contains a list with such videos, so I don’t have to look through my bookmarks or search youtube again. I will only have one bookmark then.

When practicing I suggest you wear some protection material like a helm or palm protection and knee protection. Trust me, the ice can be pretty darn hard…

I want to pay a special tribute to Julia Durkee from for taking the time to create and put these ice skating videos out there. She is the main youtuber featured in my list.

Table of contents

Skate forward

In the beginning forward is the way to skate.

Basic Forward Skating Lesson - 4min

Basics of how to skate forwards on the ice. You will learn a few different basic moves… Forward Swizzles which glide on both feet, and Forward Stroking which alternates between each foot.

Skate backwards

This seemed impossible for me at the beginning but with deliberate practice and right exercises it worked for me.

How to Ice Skate Backwards, Basic Backward Skating - 5min

In this skating lesson you will learn basic backward skating skills, including Backward Swizzles (lemons), Backward Half Swizzles (half lemons) and Backward Stroking which alternates between feet. The posture is also shown.

How to Skate Backwards in Hockey - 2min

Basically same exercises as before but shown by a hockey player, where the posture is lower, I guess for the extra speed needed in hockey.

Stopping - forward and backward

Stopping is another fundamental skill in ice skating you want to practice. You don’t want to run into some kids standing on the side and screaming “out of the way” as somebody I know well, almost did.

How to stop on Ice Skates, Forward Snowplow Stop - 5min

In this skating tutorial you will learn basic forward stopping skills, including a two foot forward Snowplow Stop and a more advanced one foot Snowplow Stop.

Hockey Stops: Step by Step Explanation - 5min

Shave the snow, plow breaking to end with the hockey stop.

How to Stop Backwards on Ice, Backward Snowplow Stop tutorial - 4min

Slightly on the inside edge (not too deep)

Forward crossovers

Crossovers are the maneuvers used to accelerate on curves, circles and corners. They make it possible for players to weave in and out of traffic, zigzag down the ice, change direction, turn from backward to forward, and move laterally (from side to side). Powerful, fast crossovers are essential for all hockey players.

How to do Forward Crossovers on Figure Skates PT 1, Basic Figure Skating Tutorial - 6min

Three exercises are shown, that lead up to a very basic crossover.

Forward Crossovers Lesson Part 2, Basic Figure Skating Tutorial

This is the second of two videos about how to do forward crossovers. In this video the focus is on a more extended push, and the ‘undercut spiral’ is introduced, which is beautiful on its own but really helps with the second push position.

Backward crossovers

How to do Backward Crossovers on Figure Skates - Figure Skating Tutorial - 10min

There are both a beginner version of a Backwards Crossover, as well at the advanced ‘cutback’ version. Exercises and skating standings are shown.

Crossovers Beginner to Advanced - Forwards and Backwards

It’s more or less the same as before without the exercises but with a hockey “flavour”


This is when you are skating forwards and need to switch to skating backwards, or you are skating backwards and need to turn and go forwards.

Proper Forwards and Backwards Transitions - Hockey Skating - 5min

In this video we cover the forward to backward transition and backwards to forwards transitions for hockey players. There are two ways to turn from forwards to backwards and vice versa. In the video we explain how a beginner can learn this move, and then how they should advance and become even better at it.

How To Perform Forwards Ice Skating To Backwards Skating Transitions - 7min

This videos shows the viewer how to perform forwards to backwards transitions on the ice. This is an important skill to develop; it allows you to make a smooth transition from forwards to backwards.


How To Do a Spread Eagle on Ice, Inside Spread Eagle Skating Tutorial - 6min

The inside edge version isn’t quite as challenging, nor does it take as much hip flexibility as the outside Spread Eagle, so it is a great place to start


Once you’ve mastered the skills presented in these videos, I guarantee you your ice skating will be much more fun and you will be better than 90% of the people on the rink.

In Romania we have a saying: “It’s practice that kills you, not theory”, so go practice, practice, practice.