Tennis training video list

11 minute read

List of tennis video tutorials and drills to come back to.

Table of contents


Hit A Perfect Serve (Powerful Tennis Tips) (2minutesTennis) - 27 min

Slice Serve vs Kick Serve In Tennis - How and When To Hit Each One (Top Tennis Training) - 18min

The Slice Serve In Tennis

Hitting a good slice serve will give you many options when you’re serving. On the deuce side, for right-handers, it will allow you to hit short angled serves that take the opponent off the court. You can also slice the serve into a player’s body. On the advantage side, you can slice it down the T, curving the ball away from the opponent.

How To Hit A Slice Serve In Tennis

Here are three tips to focus on when hitting the slice serve:

  1. Focus on hitting the ball around 1-2 o’clock. This means the top, right-hand side of the ball.
  2. Uncoil the body so you’re front on when you make contact. Imagine throwing the right shoulder into the ball.
  3. Initiate the uncoiling motion using your tossing hand (left hand). After you release the ball, point the left hand towards your target, the ball. Hold that position until you’re ready to fire. Pull the left arm down and away from the contact point, the faster you pull the arm, the faster you will open up the body.

How To Hit A Kick Serve In Tennis

Here are three tips to focus on when hitting the kick serve in tennis:

  1. Brush up and across the ball, going from 7-1 o’clock on the flat ball face. As you improve the kick serve and want to increase the side spin, focus on going from 8-2 on the ball.
  2. Stay side on with your body, focus on keeping the shoulders side on to the net, and really crunch the left side of your body.
  3. Let the ball drop low enough so that you’re able to brush up on the ball and use the extension as you make contact. If you make contact at the highest point, you will be unable to brush up the ball.

Slice Serve vs Kick Serve in Tennis - Ball Toss

For the slice serve, focus on tossing the ball more to your right, This will allow you to carve the outside of the ball, helping you produce the sidespin. For the kick serve, focus on tossing the ball more to your left and slightly behind your head. This will allow you to brush the ball from the bottom left-hand side to the top right-hand side.

Video Timeline:

  • 00:00 - Slice Serve vs Kick Serve In Tennis Intro
  • 00:51 - The Slice Serve In Tennis
  • 1:43 - The Kick Serve In Tennis
  • 2:16 - How To Hit A Slice Serve In Tennis
  • 5:10 - How To Hit A Kick Serve In Tennis
  • 12:18 - Slice Serve vs Kick Serve Ball Toss On Serve
  • 14:48 - When To Use The Slice Serve In Tennis
  • 16:22 - When To Use The Kick Serve In Tennis

Return of serve

Face your opponent > split > turn > hit > step

Return of Serve Technique Explained (2minutesTennis) - 25 min


How To Hit The Perfect Tennis Forehand In 5 Simple Steps (top tennis training) - 15min

We recommend using the semi-western forehand grip as this allows for good levels of topspin but also the ability to flatten out the tennis forehand shot if you want to attack.

Five Steps To The Perfect Forehand

  1. Good Ready Position - Having a good ready position with the racket head higher than the grip level, holding the throat or grip with your non-hitting hand and set up with the racket in the middle of your body will set you up perfectly for the rest of the stroke. Having a poor ready position will cost you valuable time and make the swing more complicated.

  2. Unit Turn - As early as possible after you recognize the ball is coming to your forehand side, try to turn your upper body sideways onto the ball/net. This will be your left shoulder if you’re a right-handed player. This unit turn will help you prepare the racket into the back position without having to swing as much with your arm alone and also engage the core muscles to help you have the coil - uncoil motion of the trunk later in the stroke.

  3. Good Power Position - Reaching a good power or back position with the racket head higher than the grip level will create good leverage in the racket and arm. The non-hitting hand should be across the body helping you balance the upper body but also tracking the oncoming ball.

  4. Racket Lag - Creating a good racket lag where the head of the racket lags behind the grip will give you that leverage over the ball that you need for extra power and control. This action should happen naturally without forcing the wrist to bend, it should happen as a result of the stroke mechanics but also by setting up in a good power position, you set the foundation for creating good racket lag on the tennis forehand.

  5. Good Follow Through and Finish - A poor follow through and finish can destroy the stroke but also lead to injury. During the contact zone, you want the racket to be accelerating and not slowing down unless you’re absorbing power on the shot. For the most part, you want the racket traveling through the contact point with good speed and you want to finish the follow-through at the very end of the maximum swing path. A good finish will help the muscles relax in a natural way and reduce the risk of injury.

Hit Powerful Forehands (Tennis Technique) (2minuteTennis Case study on Andy Murray ) - 5min

  • Take the racket back high with both hands
  • Drop your body and racket down and close the face
  • Uncoil you’re body toward the net, raise your non-hitting arm as you approach contact, and swing up to contact to impart topspin on the ball
  • Continue extending up after contact to ensure control and consistency
  • I recommend that you catch the racket high over your shoulder to make sure you don’t create a bad habit of swinging across during contact


One Handed

One Handed Backhand EXPLAINED!! (2MinuteTennis) - 21 min

Here Ryan from 2MinuteTennis walks you through the key checkpoints of the one handed backhand.

Two handed

Master Your Two Handed Backhand (Step by Step Tennis Guide) (2MinuteTennis) - 10min

  • As soon as you see the ball coming turn your body sideways with your shoulders slightly turn more than your hips
  • Have the racket the same height as your head, the racket on edge able to balance a coin, and the back elbow up away from the body
  • Allow the racket head to drop down below contact and be sure to close the face slightly
  • Rotate your body back toward the net while swinging up to contact
  • Impart topspin by having your strings face forward and by swinging “low to high”
  • Extend your arms out toward your target (feel like you’re handing your racket to your opponent)
  • Finish high over your shoulder and finally bend your arms to relax your racket down your back



How To Hit The Perfect Tennis Forehand Slice In 5 Simple Steps - 10 min

How To Hit The Perfect Tennis Forehand Slice In 5 Simple Steps The forehand slice in tennis can be a real weapon if you master the technique and use it at the right time. Most players don’t work on their tennis forehand slice yet when you watch the pros like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, and Novak Djokovic, we often see them using the forehand slice in matches. They tend to use it mainly on really wide forehands as the forehand slice will give you more reach on those types of balls. However, we can use the forehand slice in tennis in three main situations:

  1. To defend with when on the run. Since you’re slicing the ball, you can keep it very low and make it hard for your opponent to attack the next ball. It’s very hard to attack a ball that only rises up to knee height. Often this type of squash shot can turn a defensive position into either a neutral or even an attacking one.
  2. To approach the net with. By slicing your forehand approach, you can keep the ball very low, especially on surfaces such as grass or fast hard courts. This will make it much harder for your opponent to pass you at the net.
  3. To mix up play with. Just like on the backhand side when you drive the shot crosscourt for a few balls in a row, then throw in a slice backhand to mix up the tempo and bounce, a forehand slice can be used for the same reason. If you only hit one type of ball, over and over again, your opponents will adapt.

How To Hit The Perfect Tennis Forehand Slice In 5 Simple Steps:

Step One Using the correct grip. Ideally, you’ll use either the continental grip for your forehand slice in tennis or the eastern backhand grip. When you are making contact out in front of the body, the continental will be the best option. However, on wider balls when you know you’ll make contact on the side or behind your body line, using the eastern backhand grip will allow you to have the strings facing the target and produce underspin (slice) on the ball.

Step Two The preparation and take back. As soon as you recognize the ball is coming to your forehand side and you have decided to hit a forehand slice, turn the right shoulder (left shoulder for lefties) towards the net, and get a slight coil with the upper body. At the same time, lift the racket head above the grip level and create an L shape in your arm and racket. This L shape will give you leverage over the ball, leverage is basically force over that ball. Try to keep this L shape all the way up until the contact point.

Step Three Using the correct stance. On the wider balls, the open stance will be the best option. This will allow you to have a wide base, so you can reach further with the body. It will also help you stay balanced using a lunge position. This will aid recovery as you can easily push off from the outside leg. On the shorter balls, you can use the neutral stance with a cross-behind step to approach with.

Step Four The angle of the strings during the contact zone. Often players will miss the forehand slice because they hit the ball with the strings too flat towards the net. This will give you lots of power but no underspin (slice) on the shot. As you make contact, try to get under the ball, almost hitting the bottom of it. This will help you produce the underspin. The lower the ball, the more the strings should open towards the sky. The higher the ball, the more the strings can stay flat towards the net.

Step Five Tactical intentions with the forehand slice. This shot can be used to defend with on the wider forehand balls. You can approach the net with the forehand slice and you can mix up play with this shot.


Improve Your SLICE Backhand (2MinTennis - 17min)

The usual checkpoints



This video teaches you the swing checkpoints to look for when filming yourself and analyzing your volleys and overhead.


5 Singles Strategy Mistakes…Do THIS Instead (2MinuteTennis) - 16min

Ryan from shares 5 common singles strategy mistakes:

  1. Standing too close to the baseline when returning fast serves
  2. Hitting rally ground strokes too close to the net
  3. Hitting too many ground strokes down the line
  4. Not split stepping when coming up to the net
  5. Hitting most passing shots cross court

Win More Singles Matches | 3 Singles Strategy Tips

3 simple ways to win more singles matches:

  1. Return serve back down the middle
  2. Close off the net when approaching to cut off more angle
  3. Aim cross court passing shots near the side “t”

5 Simple Singles Strategies - 5min

3 simple ways to win more singles matches:

  1. Return serve back down the middle
  2. Close off the net when approaching to cut off more angle
  3. Aim cross court passing shots near the side “t”